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Common Gotchas in Go

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First thing is first. Happy New Years 🎉🎉

Now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about Go. I recently finished making my first real Go program. It’s called “Fix All Conflicts” or fac for short. It’s an easy-to-use console user interface for fixing git merge conflicts. I made it because I never found a merge tool that was intuitive enough to use.

The process was quite fun and I learned a lot about Go in the process. So, to wrap up my first official foray into Rob Pike’s mystical land of gophers, I decided to write down some of the common “Gotchas!” that any beginning Gopher - me - can run into.

Gophers can be quite aggressive sometimes.

⚠️ 1.) Range

The range function is one of the most commonly used functions in Go. Here’s a sample use case of the range function. Note that for some demented reason, we decided to make all the animals in the zoo have 999 legs.

package main

import "fmt"

type Animal struct {
	name string
	legs int

func main() {
	zoo := []Animal{
		Animal{"Dog", 4},
		Animal{"Chicken", 2},
		Animal{"Snail", 0},

	fmt.Printf("-> Before update %v\n", zoo)

	for _, animal := range zoo {
		// 🚨 Oppps! `animal` is a copy of an element 😧
		animal.legs = 999

	fmt.Printf("\n-> After update %v\n", zoo)

The above code looks innocent enough. However, you may be surprised to find that animals.legs = 999 didn’t do anything.

-> Before update [{Dog 4} {Chicken 2} {Snail 0}]
-> After update  [{Dog 4} {Chicken 2} {Snail 0}] 🚨🚨🚨 


Value property of range (stored here as animal) is a copy of the value from zoo, not a pointer to the value in zoo.

The Fix

In order to modify an element within the array, we must change the element via its pointer.

for idx := range zoo {
  zoo[idx].legs = 999

This may look quite trivial but you may be surprised to find this as a one of the most common source of bugs; at least for me!

» Go playground #1 for you to play around in

⚠️ 2.) The … thingy

You may have used the keyword in the C programming language to create a variadic function; variadic function is a function that takes a variable number or type of arguments.

In C, you have to successively call the va_arg macro in order to access the optional arguments. And if you use the variadic argument in any other way, the compiler will throw an error.

int add_em_up (int count,...) {
  va_start (ap, count);         /* Initialize the argument list */
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
      sum += va_arg(ap, int);   /* Get the next argument value */
  va_end (ap);                  /* Clean up */
  return sum

In Go however, things are similar but quite different at the same time. Here is a variadic function myFprint in Go. Notice how the variadic argument a is being used.

func myFprint(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	if len(a) == 0 {
	} else {
		// ⚠️ `a` should be `a...`
		fmt.Printf(format, a)
		// ✅
		fmt.Printf(format, a...)

func main() {
	myFprint("%s : line %d\n", "file.txt", 49)
[file.txt %!s(int=49)] : line %!d(MISSING)
file.txt : line 49

You’d think that the compiler would throw an error here for using the variadic parameter a in a wrong way. But notice how fmt.Sprintf just used the first argument in a without throwing a fit.


In Go, variadic parameters are converted to slices by the compiler

This means that the variadic argument a is in fact, just a slice. Because of this, the code below is completely valid.

// `a` is just a slice!
for _, elem := range a {

The Fix

Remember to type ALL THREE DOTS whenever using variadic parameters!

» Go playground #2 for you to play around in

⚠️ 3.) Slicing

If you have done your fair share of slicing in Python, you may remember that slicing in Python gives you a new list with just the references to the elements copied over. This property allows for code like this in Python.

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a[:2]			# 👀 a completely new list!
b[0] = 999
>>> a
[1, 2, 3]
>>> b
[999, 2]

However if you try the same thing in Go, you get something else.

func main() {
	data := []int{1, 2, 3}
	slice := data[:2]
	slice[0] = 999

[999 2 3]
[999 2]


In Go, a slice shares the same backing array and capacity as the original. So if you change an element in the slice, the original contents are modified as well.

The Fix

If you want to get an independent slice, you have two options.

// Option #1
// appending elements to a nil slice
// `...` changes slice to arguments for the variadic function `append`
a := append([]int{}, data[:2]...)

// Option #1
// Create slice with length of 2
// copy(dest, src)
a := make([]int, 2)
copy(a, data[:2])

And according to StackOverflow, the append option is slightly faster than the make. + copy option!

» Go playground #3 for you to play around in

Hacker News thread 🤩